Manicure is an ornament of every woman, but at the same time for people who do it it's associated with work in dust and harmful odors. The tables and nail desks we offer with absorbers were created in response to health problems that appeared in the beauty salon run by my wife. In our situation, it threatened to close the salon due to increasing health problems. In response, I began working on solving the problems of dust and harmful fumes in the office. For a mechanical engineer it was not only necessary but exciting for me.
With prototype nr 2
The first prototype was created in December 2016 and was tested for several months. The problem of dust and smell was eliminated completely and thanks to that we managed to save our beauty salon.
The first table had its disadvantages, such as slightly excessive noise levels and the cumbersome filter replacement procedure. In April 2017, a prototype No. 2 was built where both noise was significantly reduced and filter replacement was simplified.
After the next few months of use, my wife showed me several threads in discussion forums where women working as manicurists complained of health problems such as allergies and eczema caused by dust and irritating odors. This caused my decision to start producing this table so that women working in this profession would no longer lose health by inhaling dust and chemicals while performing manicure. The trials lasted with the second model for almost a year and the third prototype and the final version we offer today were created.
Nail tables and desks are entirely designed and made in Poland using also domestic suppliers of goods and services. We hope that this device will, most importantly, protect your health and significantly increase the comfort of work.